Reply To: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected

Home Forums Politics Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected Reply To: Election Results 2018 — Republicans Do Better Than Expected

Ben L

I also for the life of me do not understand how Donald Trump is called a liar and Barack Obama is simply glossed over.

Barack Obama campaigned hard for the ACA he claimed if it passed you could keep your Doctor
That was false as everyone who had an inkling of economics knew and repeatedly pointed out.
Instead of admitting it he accused them of fear mongering.

He stated that the ACA would cut the average cost of Health Insurance by 2400$.
That was false

Again it was pointed out that it was impossible.
Again he accused Republicans of fear mongering rather then admitting to his repeated falsehoods.

His falsehoods passed a bill that cost Americans thousands of dollars a year.
Di he ever apologize?