Reply To: My erev Rosh Chodesh minhag

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Avram in MD


“Just seems like the imagery of paying off the “debt collector” at very short-term intervals is like something out of the GodFather where he offers “a deal you cannot refuse” along with a Tony Soprano chassid showing up at your doorstep to demand payment.”

Uhh no. Paying off debt in small intervals is the normal and preferred way to do things. It’s best to tackle things head on as soon as possible rather than waiting for them to become a bigger deal, or worse, you forget entirely about them.

“The implication is more goiyeshe where the assumption is you will be a regular sinner and have a regularly scheduled “confession” except is comes on erur rosh chodesh rather than Sunday AM”

Your problem is with Chazal, who told us to say “s’lach lanu Avinu ki chatanu” three times a day.