Reply To: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?!

Home Forums Controversial Topics Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?! Reply To: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?!


FWIW, the first national Thanksgiving Day in the United States was proclaimed by George Washington and celebrated November 26, 1789. The holiday was enthusiastically embraced by the Jews of New York; the order of service has survived and included a lot of extra psalms, a new prayer for the government (in English!), and a sermon that has also survived which was an extended homily on psalm 100. No Tachanun. That is still the minhag to this day. This was more than a century before the rabbis mentioned by other commenters were born.