Reply To: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong.

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong. Reply To: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong.


I’m not much into ketchup dipping and never paid much attention to it, so I was taken aback when a non-Jewish colleague told me years ago that it was a Jewish thing.
Lo & behold, she was right. I started noticing my kids and other guests requesting ketchup , and watched as they used it on EVERYTHING… My wife was like : Don’t you even know what goes on in our house ?? … That started a ketchup fight… I won, ’cause I squirted a no-brand brand at her, and she used Heinz… you know, slowest ketchup in the West.