Reply To: What’s with all the hate crimes against Klal Yisroel ?!?!

Home Forums In The News What’s with all the hate crimes against Klal Yisroel ?!?! Reply To: What’s with all the hate crimes against Klal Yisroel ?!?!


You’ll have to navigate the site and I’m not sure if they spell his name Reinis , Reines or Reinus,.
In addition to Shaar Aleph which deals exclusively with his thought & experiences in the Zionist movement, there are also the other chalokim of the Shnei Hamoros.
Also, his other works, including shaeiles & tshuvas … a whole slew of them which you can print out in total.
It also has his sefer, now out of print, Ohr Chodosh Al Tziyon, which I was able to purchase on line, which also contains arguments pro-Zionist.
Good luck.