Reply To: How should we as Jews mourn the loss of former president George h.w. bush?

Home Forums In The News How should we as Jews mourn the loss of former president George h.w. bush? Reply To: How should we as Jews mourn the loss of former president George h.w. bush?

Neville ChaimBerlin

Are you serious? Your coping mechanism is to scapegoat Dick Cheney?

You’re an extreme liberal and yet you, and many others, are defending the Bush’s simply because Trump had the guts to say they made terrible decisions. Your rationalization of your rampant inconsistency is to blame the vice president?

My point isn’t that you have to like Trump. It’s that you’re basing your entire outlook on the world on believing the opposite of what he says, even when he says things that YOU were probably saying a few years back like criticizing the Bush’s. It’s as though a liberal college professor wrote a simple IF THEN statement and called it Gadolhador and gave it a CR account.

Other posters like CT and the other Democrats on that midterms thread had actual points and substance to their stances. You have never made any attempt at this in political or religious threads, and don’t pretend I’m the first one to point this out. Now matter how many of us point it out, you only seem to get worse.