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It was Rav Chaim Zimmerman. He was asked to leave his post as Rosh Hayeshiva by the President of the Yeshiva and agreed to do it if they made him a banquet. He got up and told the following story. 3 things complained to the Ribono Shel Oilam, Asher Yatzar, Aleinu, and the Mamzar. Asher Yatzar says, when you come out of the bathroom?? Aleinu says, I’m the last part of davening, everyone is talking, taking off their Tfillin. The Mamzar says what did I do wrong?? The RibonoShel Oilam answered all 3 the following. Asher Yatzar became a Bracha under the Chupah. Aleinu became the central tfilla during Mussaf on Rosh Hashanah. And the Mamzar, Rav Chaim said so eloquently, Hashem said you will become the President of a Yeshiva.