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Dooms, “Here is 2Cents Lying that there ARE vaxxed vs unvaxxed retrospective studies. But when I checked out the studies that 2Cents “pointed out” they are NOT vaxxed vs unvaxxed!!! And 2Cents writes that she KNEW they were not vaxxed vs unvaxxed when she posted that they WERE!”

2Cents: Guess what, your an idiot….Yes, this IS a retrospective study, and yes, it is limited to the MMR vaccine, where have I lied?? I have mentioned this many times, this is about the MMR vaccine,

Folks, 2Cents LIES and when caught in a LIE she LIES again to try to cover up her Lie! The debate was about “Why does the CDC refuse to do a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study?” and 2Cents cited Two Studies that she and Health REPEATEDLY said were Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed when I asked! When I pointed out both these studies were ONLY about MMR Vaccine and NOT a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed, 2Cents calls me an Idiot and said the debate was about MMR Vaccine. See 2Cents Posts below PROVING debate was “Why won’t CDC do Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Studies” Proof that 2Cents LIES and when caught, LIES some more:

2Cents: #1635679 Dooms: “I still have not heard an explanation on why CDC refuses to do a RETROSPECTIVE study comparing”.
the problem I personally have with this discussion is that most of the stuff you bring up have been addressed more than once on this thread, yet just ignore them and continue to copy paste the nonsense.
There are retrospective studies, here is one. PubMed 12523209, in fact, it is a very large one.
Here is another one, JAMA 2275444

2Cents #1633206 Dooms: – explain to my WHY CDC refuses to do a Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study?”
There are many explanations why it is not ethical not to vaccinate a group of people just for the purpose of a study, however the data is pretty clear, See below. (of course you only accept made up and twisted data that supports your theory, not true data).
JAMA 2275444

2cents#1636429Doom: “The only study I heard Anti-Vaxxers ask for is a RETROSPECTIVE Vaxxed vs UnVaxxed Study. Congress requested from the CDC a Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Study, but the CDC refuses.”
A. There have been numerous studies, I myself have provided a few on the other thread, not sure why you fail to appreciate responses that are directed at your posts, (I guess because all you can do is just copy paste from some silly radical site). If you would actually care about facts, you would not just repeat the same questions time after time.

Folks, was the debate on Why CDC refuses to do Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed ? Or a debate on MMR Vaccine as 2Cents lies? (and calls me an “Idiot” for saying the debate was on Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed study)