Reply To: Hatzolah Billing Insurance

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☕ DaasYochid ☕


I tried looking for those comments yet was unable to find them, would you be able to post them here?

It seems that one comment was on them seeing what their insurance company paid for the transport, not sure if that was the comment you are referring to.

Sure, FWIW.

December 6, 2018 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm
As one who lives in Lakewood and received a bill from MONOC for the paramedics Hatzoloh sent the same day a Shnorrer letter was received from Hatzoloh, there is something very wrong. There are people making money off the system and that is wrong. Either it is a volunteer service deserving of our support or they should not do any fundraising.

Rabbi Kalman Epstein is 1000% correct. This is not the right direction for this premier organization.


December 6, 2018 8:33 pm at 8:33 pm
Omg. I got a bill a few weeks ago in flatbush. They took my father in for chest pains. My insurance company paid them. Didnt cost me a nickel. But why do i need to donate a penny to hatzolah now?