Reply To: Why no גזל שינה?

Home Forums Yom Tov Chanukah Why no גזל שינה? Reply To: Why no גזל שינה?


The concept of “Gezel” by sleep is from a mussar standpoint and not a Halacha standpoint . However it would def be wrong to wake someone up for no reason, I have seen a pesak that one can wake up his father for Chanukah if he knows for sure that his father wants him to however in that case there is a halachac obligation of Kibbud av so it would seem by a regular person the assumption of him wanting to help you be mekayem פרסומי ניסא would be enough however it would be reasonable to say that if one knows for that the person does not want to be woken in this circumstance then it would be wrong to do so.