Reply To: What ate the best chedarim in Yerushalayim for teaching math?

Home Forums Yeshiva / School / College / Education Issues What ate the best chedarim in Yerushalayim for teaching math? Reply To: What ate the best chedarim in Yerushalayim for teaching math?


Assurnet, you are asking a million dollar question and touching upon a source of pain for many parents in this parsha. As far as we are concerned, I just accept the situation as it is right now.. and am very proactive for my own family.. and yes it takes a lot of time and money too.. So, with math, I have been teaching my boys, just simply from the secular education curriculum (check out because although they make attempts to teach something in chedomrim, bderech klal in my experience it does not really happen, at least many children dont really learn math properly. There is hardly clear explanation and many times it causes more confusion and fear of math then leads to actual solid knowledge. Some kids can develop a complex and fear of math until you take over the controls in this area… I personally don’t care about calculus or anything higher, but plan to teach algebra, geometry.. etc..too and go as far as my own very very limited knowledge can take me (I am not a math person at all). I can also always find teachers if I cant in the future handle the level. In addition. I have also always supplemented with chugim of all types.. by finding professionals in the field who are willing to teach kids… Music.., electronics.. woodwork.. My husband is the science and geography guy.. It is obviously not simple but we have a solid secular education and can’t see our children not having access to knowledge, especially since it is kosher and only enhances your understanding of the beauty of Hashem’s world. Also our kids are the curious types. This is a tough reality and I don’t have any easy answers. I find certain things just are and if you bang you head against that wall, you can only get a concussion. Still, despite the challenges, learning kodesh in Yerushalaim and breathing the air of kedusha ultimately leads to the true goal… The system is not perfect yet, but ultimately what we want for our children can be achieved, with lots of tefillah and siyata d’shmaya. And anyway, it is not easier anywhere else..