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Avi K wrote,
“Unfortunately, part of the Chareidi world has formed its own separate nation. It does not take part in Am Yisrael’s celebration (Yom haAtzmaut) or sorrow (Yom haZicharon).”
Can there be any reasoning with an individual who writes the above words? Is attempting to engage him in conversation anything more than an exercise in futility?
I will merely point to what the overwhelming consensus of /gedolei Yisroel/ have said on the matter. Their words, which are on the record and can be found by those who are /m’vakshei emes/, speak for themselves. The words of the Hazon Ish and the Brisker Rov, /zichronam livrocho/, immediatedly come to mind. To say nothing of those of the Satmar Rav, ZT”L, whose signature masterpiece of scholarship, /VaYoel Moshe/, remains completely unrivaled on the topics it covers.
Only to the /sonei H’/ and /sonei Am H’/ can the 5th day of /Iyyar/ be considered one of celebration. (That is not to brand all who regard it as such as ‘reshoim’; many, alas, simply do not know any better.)