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Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬πŸ’‰πŸš« Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ”¬πŸ’‰πŸš«



“Ok then, let’s break this down further.

(Autism Ratio of Group X) = (Number of autistic children in Group X)/(Total number of children in Group X)

Correct or incorrect?”

Sometimes it’s correct, sometimes it’s wrong.

Example: If “Group x” is people wearing green socks, then that would be an incorrect ratio bec. genetically- triggered autism has no relation to green socks. so that ratio means nothing.

If “group x” is people without MMR, then that would be an incorrect ratio bec. genetically- triggered autism has no relation to lacking MMR. so that ratio means nothing. it doesn’t show the power of a potential cause.

If “group x” would be expectant moms who’ve had the flu, then that ratio WOULD mean something, bec. having the flu during a pregnancy HAS a relation to Autism. so that number shows the power of a potential cause.

so you then can compare risk to risk, because the 2 numbers have a significance when it comes to what the underlying cause.

Lacking-MMR is not something significant to the underlying cause, so anything calculated based on that number is also insignificant to the underlying cause.

Getting MMR is potentially significant to the underlying cause, and therefore that ratio is also significant