Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

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And being that the study shows the same rate for both then this proves that mmr does not cause autism and therefor you can add both groups together and get the same rate as there is no difference between the people in the group precisely because we proved mmr is a non factor. And so too if you take any 8000 from the 86000 you should get the same rate.

I called it genetic autism as opposed to mmr , if you wanna day it comes from the water or bread we eat that too is ok, we are disproving mmr not that it’s genetics as opspoed to bacteria in water

You write non mmr isn’t a factor in genetic autism, of course it isn’t but they don’t have the factor that is being blamed for autism so any case they have must be caused by something else be it Air or water genetics or bread, and that is precisely what we are trying to determine is all autism non vaccines related or not