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NCB: Among otd people, there’s a notably greater proportional representation of children of bt’s. (In fact, there’s a recent article in Tablet called Baal Teshuvah: The Next Generation that makes this same point, which is not where I noticed this phenomenon, but may have some [definitely not completely] accurate points.) But that wasn’t my main point, only a side point making the original point that even among observant/Orthodox bt’s — and their children, to a lesser extent but still greater extent than overall — you’ll find a proportionally greater acceptance of certain/specific more liberal positions (that are fully accepted/standard beliefs among general secular society) than you’ll find elsewhere in the Orthodox community.

And, again, not by all or even most bt’s. But it is proportionally more likely than by other Orthodox folks.

I think it is hard to fully give up an entire mindset when becoming frum. And if one didn’t fully give it up they’ll likely transmit some form of it to their children. To again stress, it may be a minority but it is still a greater proportion of that community than you’ll find in the overall Orthodox, especially Chareidim.