Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

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We believe that a) the army is not an acceptable place for any yeshiva bachur regardless of how little he’s learning.

B) the nachal Hareidi was only intended for boys who would otherwise become mechalilei Shabbos.

C) The yeshiva draft law places all Yidden in E.Y. In danger by weakening limud Hatorah, which is our main zechus.

D) If Nachal Hareidi boys were killed, it signifies we need to do Teshuva & accrue more zechusim.

E) We certainly protest the draft which would leave us with less zechusim & thereby more soldiers dying Ch”vsh.

F) We don’t make a specific misheberach for Israeli soldiers because we need to be clear that it’s existence is a terrible bedieved, only for boys that would otherwise go otd. We have them in mind by acheinu other general tefilos for klall Yisroel.

Those that died protecting klal yisroel are kedoshei elyon.