Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

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The problem, I believe, is that most frum people are spoiled. We all grew up in luxurious safe environments and do not understand what it takes to protect a country as we have goyim who are more than happy to sign up in our stead.

My biggest fear is, as most frum shuls, do not even say a tefillah that our brothers in arms (and yes, brothers) to be safe, is that the irreligious leaders will one day decide that the west bank, which includes half of yerushalyim, the old city, neve yaakov, pisgot zeve, etc will all go under the Palestinian rule. It is sad that everyone alive cannot recall all the massacres under the Arabs, but it seems that our yeshiva system prefers Arabs over irreligious Jews. We will then have fast days, yom tefillah and hopefully, hashem will not say why are you davvening now? You never cared for it.

I do not think anyone says learning is not important, but from all of Tanach, can anyone find ONE source where people who were learning was excused from military service? Where is the betachon that the learning that you do will protect you? It’s great saying it protects the soldiers, but how much more meaningful will the learning be when it is YOUR life a stake?
And if people refuse to serve, then they should not live there! Move to Gaza where you are not required to serve in the army. What right do you have to live in Yerushalayim? You did not fight for it so you should wait for moshiach to gain the right.