Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

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2cents A. The group that received the MMR shot, if the MMR increases autism, they should have had a greater rate of autism. The fact that the ratio remains the same shows the MMR isnt a factor.

IF the MMR was RANDOMIZED, the MMR would have shown a greater rate of Autism.
ALL Children received about 3,675 mcg Aluminum & other toxins at 0-6 months + BEFORE Birth!
Due to genetics, MOST children can excrete Aluminum and other toxins, but SOME children cannot.
MMR is given at 12-15 months.
The Children who appear to be Healthy and Normal get the MMR.
The Children who are SHOWING SIGNS OF AUTISM do NOT get the MMR.
This Healthy User Bias causes MORE children to be in the No MMR / PARTIALLY Vaccinated group.
MMR causes SOME Kids who were healthy at 12-15 Months to get Autism.
But Healthy User Bias makes the AUTISM Rate to be about the SAME as the No MMR /Partial Vax Group.

This is not my explanation but what REAL SCIENTISTS have said why vaxed vs vaxed studies are INVALID.

B. Are you implying that the autism group was diagnosed with autism prior to receiving the MMR vaccine?

No. Autism is usually diagnosed around age 3. But parents saw SIGNS of AUTISM earlier, so stopped
vaccinating – this is a very common scenario.