Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

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Daas: I am sorry, the absent of a pasak is not a pasak,
As I stated, most shuls stopped saying Mi Sherberech during WW1 when the Jews from Germany were in the Army fighting Jews from other countries. It was an ethical question of how we can pray to hashem for our country to be victorious when this means our brothers on the other side were going to die.

Based on that, the “minhag” was established. And if shuls accept this minhag, fine. But as others nicely stated, saying tehillim, seeing a soldier walking down the street and say thank you, buying a soldier food, are all ways to show Hakoras Hatov. To argue the point that because you learn Torah, Hakoras Hatov should not be shown is apikoresus! While there is propaganda that the Israeli government is forcing yeshiva bochurim in the army is pure ignorant lies and sheker. All they asked was that you sign up for exemptions; like anyone else asking for an exemption. The issue here is we feel we do not need to follow the law. We feel we do not need to show hakoras hatov to the soldiers, religious or not, who are fighting for our people to have the ability to study Torah. To show a lack of hakoras hatov, to show a lack of Torah learning by breaking the law is what I have issues with. And there are many, many gedolim who do encourage their bochurim to get the exemptions. They discourage their bochurim from protesting that impacts the tzibur.; besides bittul torah.

I personally know a bochur who was not learning that went to a Rebbe in Eretz Yisorel for a Bracha, the rebbe gave him a bracha with LOVE. This is what ahavas yisroel is about! This is what I learned from the Rebbe. You do not need to join the army, but love the Jews that do it and show them the love.
This mere topic is proof why moshiach is not here yet. We cannot love our fellow Jews, regardless if they are religious or not. We can not even show them the appreciation for what they do. Hopefully, one day, we will have yeshiva bochurim who can show their love, their hakoras hatov, to people who are not yeshiva bochurim, but that day is not today.