Reply To: The Killing of Nahal Haredi Soldiers and the Anti Draft Protests

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Wow. .. Had to get in just once to respond to this hazarei….
Those interested in Eim Habonim Semeicha can read it in the original, or in the excellent English translation by Rabbi Moshe Lichtman,and not to rely on snippets by Joseph, and you will see halachic proofs as well as tons of proofs supporting his position..
” …. It’s downright absurd, and for anyone who knows anything about the Minchas Elozar.. .”….:Rav Teichtal was in fact his talmid and knew everything about him, you didn’t.
Calling this great tzaddik dishonest and arrogant is a reflection on yourself. The fact is that many more tzaddikim whether they were his contemporaries or not, agreed with him. Lifting a coupla paragraphs and expecting long- winded responses is futile and this thread will go on endlessly…You’re on the side of rabbonim to whose positions you adhere, fine.
Obviously, you don’t consider the other side as authoritative… I do, many do. So when you and those in agreement speak of gedolim, you mean YOUR gedolim… In the meantime, EY is a miracle a moment, an ingathering as never before, extraordinary happenings that weren’t even imagined 80 years ago.. We prefer our side, Hashem is with them and the Redemption is nearer by the day. Rav Teichtal, Hy”d was correct…
I’ll also beg you not to bring the Satmar rebbe or his shita here, because there ‘s much I can write about it, and I’m confident that the Mods will not allow it through, so go easy, buddy…. Moshiach did not come for Minchas Elazar…. he has a good chance to come for us..