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Please see comment above from “Haimy”.

He/she is 1000% right. I will tell you one thing- before making any decisions; think about it good and hard. Then stop and think about it again. Then visit the place you’re considering. And visit again and again. I say this from experience because I moved myself and my family to an “out of town” community and 100% regret it. I wish I could move back. It was NOT the “pressures” of Lakewood that made me move, although I do think I felt a big sense of relief when I did move. However; once settled in OOT, I will tell you I would love to move right back to Lakewood. It is not easy though once you uproot your family. Lakewood is a beautiful place, a place that has so much to offer, for everyone, definitely for someone with the background you describe. From your description; I am somewhat like you, possibly a little more to the right, but definitely on similar wavelengths. Don’t run from Lakewood; you may regret it very much at a later time. Again- I am talking from personal experience. Believe it or not; you may actually miss alot of the frum aspects of lakewood when you leave it behind. And I am NOT referring to the eateries etc, I am specifically referring to the fact that it is a “frum haven” with all the garbage and stupidity that comes along with it. It is FAR from perfect, there may indeed be better places for you, I do not know you outside of this feed. I urge you to study this well before making any quick moves. This may sound retarded but I would tell you; if you do decide to move- first rent a small apt in the community. Stay there yourself during the week, maybe even take your family for shabbosim. That is the best way to ensure you really get a good feel for the place. Then if you really want to move, go ahead! Hatzlocha!