Reply To: Shidduch Crisis Denial Syndrome

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“Please explain the Dating Divide”

glad too
Though I coined it so any funds you make off it must be shared with me

first a question:
(although I cant help bu notice although 3 people commented on my shaky math, none answered my questions: In the past 5 years has the Age gap improved? Has the Shiduch Crises improved?” )

anyway onto my question:

where is the hold up in the shiduch crises tM

in other words typically these are the steps to a successful shiduch:
1) Girl is mentioned to Guy
2) Guy agrees to go out
3) Girls agrees)
4) They date
5) they get engaged
6) they get married

Where is the “backlog” are guys not hearing of the girls (step 1) are the girls not getting “yesses” to go out( step 2) are the girls not agreeing (step 3) etc etc.?
where is the greatest number of singles at which stage do they get stuck?

“For those girls, I guess it does… What about the rest?” they marry boys their age, younger or older. It isn’t a closed system.

Yankel and yochy
“No, it means the problem would be 5% (or maybe 10% if they’re significantly older) less bad.”
“and 5 of the boys marry a 22 year old girl”

Yes and 5 marry a >23 year old girl now there are 80 boys who want to marry 100 19 year old girls.
They do. leaving 20 19 year old girls 10 of whom marry boys who havent started dating yet are aged 20-22 and 10 who have to wait real long as they marry boys younger than them.

Of course they first have to live in terror due to people offering all sorts of scare tacticis in an effort to avoid any real change based on shoddy math.