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☕ DaasYochid ☕

and sometimes it feels that those promoting it are ignoring other issues that also need addressing- and these are not side issues.

The age gap theory explains the disparity, not overall numbers.

Age gap proponents haven’t solved world hunger either, but why is that specifically their responsibility?

The two issues are certainly related, but that doesn’t mean they have the same cause and are dealt with the same way.

When I started dating nearly 3 decades ago, the boys also had lists of girls that outnumbered the boys 10:1, there were unmarried older singles, and this was before the population explosion.

There was already enough population growth which would allow age gap to cause a disparity. People were unaware of the age gap explanation, but it was true then too.

The good thing about all this discussion, is that it shows that people care and that singles should not feel ostracized or alone.

This I agree with, and I appreciate the positivity. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that people who are trying to help by identifying and trying to correct a demographic issue are somehow to blame for not necessarily identifying and correcting other issues, and aderaba, are somehow accused of “demonizing” women.