Reply To: Shidduch Crisis Denial Syndrome

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“There is an end game. People don’t stay in shidduch age forever.”

But there is no reason why that person should wait “forever”
Back to the chairs
While when there are 100 players and 90 chairs , 10 will be left without chairs. A year later we have ,there are 110.25 players for 99.225 chairs. etc…

Now imagine this game after several rounds the disparity has grown there are 115.7625 players for 104.18625.
When the round is done there are 11.57625 (more than the original disparity!)
This leads to one of two possibilities (of course a combination is possible)

1) the original 10 have all found shiduchim,, and the extra 11.6 are all relative new comers, so ok hopefully they will find their chairs in the next few rounds. No problem, thye arent waiting “forever” some wait longer than others.

2) Those 10 extra are STILL left without a chair, at this point we would have t conclude that it cant just be the age gap keeping them without seats, they must not hear as well, or run as fast or something Just the disparity cannot explain how these 10 are still let standing round after round

““Very well said.” I second that”

Yep agreed