Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

EY Mom

I am not going to discuss vaccines but doomsday, please do give us a break on the ADHD, learning disabilities, SIDS, autism et al…
There was just as much ADHD then, just that it was only in the late 1960s that it was given that name and classified as a mental disorder. Learning disabilities were also far less likely to be identified and kids who had them were just called dumb. SIDS has gone down since mothers have been told to put babies to sleep on their stomachs and remove bumpers, stuffed animals, etc.
Autism, when diagnosed at a later age, can almost always be detected in hindsight. Many children on the autistic spectrum are able to compensate for a while, but eventually the brain simply can’t keep up anymore. Also, Asperbergs is now considered autism (for better or for worse), which complicates any study of autism from that point on.