Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

Home Forums Controversial Topics Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

EY Mom

Doomsday – you are quoting one study. That’s not enough. One falsified study – if it was falsified, and there are plenty who demonstrate that it was not – isn’t enough to discredit every other study.

As for life expectancy, yes, Shimon got his numbers a bit wrong. The average life expectancy in 1940 was 60. The infant mortality rate was 47 for every 1,000 births.
Still, any way you slice it, average life expectancy today is way higher and both the infant and child mortality rates today are way lower than they were back then.

Truthishidden, thank you for the compliment. The thing is…I have done my research. Again, I never weighed in on the actual vaccination issue here – i.e., should vaccines be mandated. I’m keeping my opinion to myself on that. The only thing I’ve been hammering at here is the credibility issue of the evidence being brought here in the CR.