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The little I know


You wrote: “Sometimes suing the pants off someone will prevent someone else from doing the same. Its a deterant”

I disagree. If you know anything about the perpetrators of these crimes, they act impulsively, and do not make calculations about the consequences. They operate under the delusion that they will not get caught, and will get away from everything. It’s not about a calculation that the “system” will somehow protect them. Secondly, your statement “suing the pants off someone” implies that this is based on creating damage, not repairing a situation. As much as I detest molesters and wish them no good, “suing the pants off” is the wrong solution to a real problem.

Next, you wrote: “In general money is used to pay for all sorts of damages to someone. If someone is killed, Will $5 million bring them back ? Of course not, but that doesnt mean the person doesnt deserve the money

And sometimes they might need it, Someone sufferent from PTSD from being a victims has medical bills that need to be paid for, the money from the offending yeshiva can help pay for that”

I cannot imagine why you feel that the victim deserves the money. For what? I agree that the therapy and related expenses should be compensated. Money serves no other role. If you are looking to salivate at the announcement of huge dollar figures, get a life.


You wrote: “What it accomplishes is as follows:life isnt always and therefore desparate measures sometimes have to take place to teach the masses a lesson.
למען ישמעו ויראו,ולא יזידון עוד”

Criminals get their due by going to prison. The past several years delivered several extremely harsh sentences for offenders. If that doesn’t serve as a deterrent, million dollar court awards won’t either.


I wish to acquaint you with something found in the professional literature. The consequences imposed on the offenders (including monetary awards and jail sentences) have no clinical effect on the victims. That does not say that offenders should not get locked up. That serves to protect potential victims. And I agree that we can throw away the key. But this provides the moment of sweet revenge, not real benefit. That’s the scientific literature.