Reply To: Torah in the 5 towns

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I agree. Five Towns is growing on Torah and ruchniyus. There are beautiful Kollelim, Yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs, Mikvaos mehudaros, a mehudar eiruv, etc..

The chessed performed by the Baal Habatim towards these Bnei Torah is unmatched in any community.

Most if the negative talked about in the other thread is about a modern orthodox element who shop in town. They don’t know any better and do not think they are doing anything wrong. On the contrary, they respect Bnei Torah and treat them in the highest regard.

I just wish the supermarkets would realize they have this Bnei Torah community here now. The Bnei Tirah don’t need to shop at the expensive lavish stores or eateries in town. But everyone needs food. The supermarkets do give discounts and gift cards to Bnei Torah, but the cost if food is so high, they are squeezing the less affluent families to the extreme.

Five Towns needs Lakewood style supermarkets, where there is selection at affordable prices!