Reply To: Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕

Home Forums Politics Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕 Reply To: Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕

Neville ChaimBerlin

“What made you change your mind?”
I met more people in life.

“What right do you have to take their money. ”
I never said I have any interest in taking it personally. Where are you getting this idea that the wealthy shouldn’t have to pay a higher tax rate? It’s just a policy Republican candidates pretend to believe in as a transparent attempt to stop losing votes to Libertarians. You actually fall for it?

By the way, those of you who keep using the word “right,” and “what right,” as though it poses any sort of real argument need to consider that we have a progressive tax code already. The precedent is set. There is no human-right to not be taxed at a higher rate than people with less money. Trump’s tax code is progressive, not flat. Just because it’s less progressive than it previously was doesn’t mean he supports your loony oligarchical interests.

“So basically you’re a communist.”
Basically, I support the underlying way the tax code has worked for our entire lives. Do you consider the US to be communist? It taxes the rich at higher rates, which, in your extremely limited understanding of economics, seems to be the definition of communism.