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The rationale behind championing trickle down and not supporting bailouts is threefold
Firstly it’s not actually supporting trickle down, so much as it is a recognition of the fact that trickle down is the least of the evils when balancing taxation and keeping what you earn.
Secondly a bailout is a handout. It happens to be usually to the rich not the poor but it’s a handout just the same. The exact opposite of the idea behind trickle down which says leave people alone they will spend the money they earned and eventually it will reach everyone without external help.
Thirdly. If they need a bailout it’s usually because they failed to use their money properly. So giving them more money will probably just mean more mismanagement and or misappropriation.

But I have a question for you.
You have stated multiple times that you have no issue with paying higher taxes. Even up to 50% of your earnings above 600.000
So why don’t you?
The government allows you to pay extra.
Only if others also do it are you willing? Why should others actions impact yours?
You obviously feel the government would do more good with your money. So do it now