Reply To: Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕

Home Forums Politics Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕 Reply To: Should The Rich Be Taxed? 💸🚕

Neville ChaimBerlin

“That’s none of our business.”
I’m fine with that opinion, but I don’t agree. Do you really even? If somebody didn’t inherent anything and chose to not work and live off welfare programs, do you think their choice to not work is “none of our business?” You “conservatives” love to talk about encouraging people to work and not rewarding unemployment… until you talk about trust fund babies. Then all bets are off and all of your views are flipped. I guess you’ll say the liberals have the same hypocrisy in the inverse, and I would agree. That’s why I cover my bases and just hate on everyone now.

“We don’t have a right to decide that and confiscate someone’s wealth.”
As I said, there’s already an inheritance tax. You think the government has no right to do this? Just because you change the word “tax” to “confiscate” doesn’t make any difference. Just say you want to abolish the inheritance tax. Why are you guys to afraid to be forward with your opinions? I think I’ve been pretty straight with my shittos here (at least I’ve tried to be). I must be getting some point across if you’re all so riled up.