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Ben L


I keep repeating that point because you fail to answer it.

A Tax to lets say fund the military is not “redistribution” since a robust defense is needed by everyone and serves everyone about equally.

On 911 the janitors and stockbrokers were equally targeted and equally in need of defense.

The stewardesses on the planes that went down were targeted the same as those in first calls.

The same for an interstate highway system of roads and bridges.

However most forms of welfare are in fact redistribution.

It is taxing wealthy people in order to take their money from them and redistribute it to poor people.

There is no argument that if one would eliminate the “re-distributive” policies from the Federal budget there is more then enough money already being taxed to enable funding the parts of the Federal government that serve everybody.

It is simply the re-distributive parts that are up for debate.

So if you are for raising taxes on the wealthy to give to the poor, aside from the colossal waste that takes place (the most inefficient local Tzeddakah is far more efficient at this sort of the thing and make far better use of the money provided then the Federal government) then you are for redistribution.

it does not help to say “I am against”.

Call it what you wish.

It’s semantics.

You are pro-redistribution.