Reply To: Should Parents Intimidate Their Kids?

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You certainly have come here offering your personal deios without any haskama or backing of any rabbnonim (other than your alleged unnamed unnameable alleged religious figure) that you’re trying to sell to people under the rubric of דרכיה דרכי נועם , the same way other groups try to sell their modifications of halacha under the rubric of tikun olam.

What I have offered here is not only the same as what the gedolim say, it is exactly what is written in virtually any halachic sefer that discusses the issue. Both before and since and including S”A. Your attempts to toss it aside and reform halacha to your boich svaras in a sure one way ticket to gehenom, not the junk halacha that you invent as you go along — something you’ve been doing over the years here not just regarding the halachas we’re discussing on this thread but rather this has been your modus operandi on a whole slew of halachas you feel don’t fit well in the modern world and need your updating.