Reply To: Should Parents Intimidate Their Kids?

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”I don’t see how your premise makes sense because hitting isn’t a “last resort,’ fix all. It is as specific as bed time charts, rewards, schmoozes and everything else. Choosing random disciplinary options instead of appropriate to the situation disciplinary options isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Yes hitting is a last resort
Yes hitting works
In the words of Conan Doyle, it may be cracking the nut with a triphammer but it gets the job done.
It’s a last resort for a few reasons not listed in order
Firstly if done often it will no longer work either
Secondly if done out of anger it will breed permanent and ultimately create probably the opposite effect of what you want. A parent who has tried all the wonderful suggestions and methodologies listed in this conversation, and has gotten to a point where they feel justified in hitting is probably not doing it in anger.

The difference between hitting and the other methods is simple
The other methods need to be tailored to each child
What excites one won’t talk to the next
Hitting is a universal language understood fairly quickly