Reply To: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here

Home Forums Controversial Topics Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here Reply To: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here


“I have no problem with a person holding seats at kiddush so that his wife/kids have time to join him and be seated as a family”

CTLawyer, do you also have no problem with a person chapping 6-8 pieces of kugel (not leaving enough for others attending) so that his wife and kids can later join him and when they arrive, eat together as a family?!

Is THAT proper?!

What right does one have to “hold” seats for people that are not here, thereby depriving people that are actually here from being seated?! Are these “your” seats, that you can commandeer them? Do these seats have your nameplate? Why do you no problem chapping them without any rights to them???