Reply To: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here

Home Forums Controversial Topics Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here Reply To: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here


“I made no mention of taking food. It is only proper to take food not for yourself if it is to feed an elderly or infirm…”

Explain the “nafka mina” (distinction) between grabbing (saving, hogging, chapping) one limited commodity over the other.

There are limited seats. People that are here are standing around eyeing the empty seats that you saved for your wife and children THAT ARE NOT HERE…that you say is ok.

But yet you agree that it’s not ok for you to save kugel (or in OOT kiddushim: extra crackers/cake/pretzels…whatever), depriving others from the limited supply, so that your wife and children will be able to have kiddush b’mokom seuda?

My Nafka Mina?

The commodities are for the public. Each person is welcome to take for THEMSELVES. What right is there to take for multiple people (whether chairs, food, siddurim…)??

People come up with their self-justifications, that works for them, on the cheshbon of others. Is that fair?