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Home Forums Controversial Topics Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here Reply To: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here


kollelman – the halacha is that a person CAN be zoche l’acher EVEN when chav l’acherim based on MIGO D’Zachi L’Nafshei – Zochi Namee L’CHavrei, however this MIGO is limited to what he can be zoche for himself.

In shul a person can be zoche ONE siddur for himself, therefore, even if he has no need for the siddur, he may grab it for someone else (notwithstanding that his grabbing the siddur is CHav L’Acherim – others are deprived of this siddur).

If he grabs more than one siddur INCLUDING his own, he is GOZEL ES HARABIM, and the tefilah from such a siddur is “ba b’avera”.

I believe if someone is GOZEL ES HARABBIM by a kiddush – it is prohibited to make a brocha on such food. (-but halacha l’ma’aseh: ask your rov).

In fact, I would think that such a person is Possul L’Eidus, (far worse than an “ochel b’shuk” or a mesachek b’kuvya”). A gozol es ha’rabim can never repay the gezellah, that by grabbing the extra siddurim, he stole my (and others) ability to daven from a siddur that day or my (and others) oneg shabbos from eating kugel at the kiddush.

I think such a person is a rosha m’rusha ‘lchol hadayos!

Yes, I am angry that such a ba’al avera exists in our midst.

Give me that siddur you are hogging. Give me tthat seat you are hording. Give me kugel!