Reply To: Guns

Home Forums Controversial Topics Guns Reply To: Guns


“please show me where I said guns should not be well regulated”
nu nu so we agree, mazel tov shalom Al yisorel!

You are throwing me off though with some of your other lines “This is why debating with you is highly unpleasant.”
Are we debating or not ?

regarding your other complaints. your comparisons of Guns to suicide bombings and rugs isnt a logical one . I did explain why above. These “arguments” are not original. The same silly talking points are brought up over and over (they also loves “cars kill more people than guns should we ban all cars” , these arent logical arguments, and I did explain why for example the comparison to drugs is silly.. Sean Hannity loves them. The fact that you feel uncomfortable coming up with the same arguments as he does (as you should) says more about your arguments than about my bringing him up