Reply To: Guns

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“For over 200 hundred years that was exactly how it was understood”

Um no. In fact I never even heard any one make that argument. conservatives say it was misinterpreted for 200 years until it was finally correctly interpreted in 2008. (See an excellent few pages on the subject in the annotated constitution available on the library of congress’s website)

In 1990 Warren Burger labeled the idea that the Second Amendment gives an unfettered individual right to a gun a”fraud on the American public.” This comment was not met by much opposition outside of some fringe groups way back in 1990. can you find any source arguing that the 2nd amendment is not limited to a militia from before say, the 70’s when the NRA shifted their focus from lobbying for gun safety to lobbying against it?

Also I can’t help but notice you havent answered my question: suppose the constitution said ” A healthy breakfast being critical to start the day, the right of the people to eat cereal shall not be infringed”
would this guarantee the right to eat fruity pebbles?

“You seriously brought an example of Missouri, a STATE to make an argument why a CITY has the highest gun violence?”

sure, why not? A City is smaller than a state the more data you look at the more accurate your findinngs.
For super accurate findings look at the trend among all 50 states comparing gun restrictions vs deaths.
On second thought you may not want to, as it may force you to reevaluate your position .

“USA has a second amendment. Israel does not. Period. ”
You made this argument. I just dont understand it. I am not comparing the US to ISrael, that was 2scents. I replied why the comparison was wrong.
And again if the second amendment is stupid why should we be stuck with it no matter what? This is one of the strangest arguments coming from the pro-gun side. and if it isnt stuid, argue why it is good plicy, but to just say well it is the law so too bad no matter how bad it is, just doesnt make sense.

“Israel has a mandatory draft, should USA have it too? ”
No, why ?

“Israel is a socialist country”
Is it? ,

” should USA be too? Don’t answer that!”
[redacted at asker’s request]

“Can you tell me how long it too for the Pittsburgh police to enter the shul? ”

so I had to look it up it took 40 minutes. Just so I have your argument right, you are saying that while it took trained armed SWAT team members called in to take him down, over 30 hour to subdue the gunman. It would’ve been faster for elderly untrained individuals surprised by the gunman. Is that really your argument?

and even if true. This argument is like my patient who takes both colace and Imodium.
And in no way discredits the main part of my argument, namely that gun ownership should be tightly regulated

“When you get your response, you’ll know why citizens should own guns.”
Nope, I got the response and I still dont know why they “should”. and I never said they shouldn’t. so I’m not even sure where this line of “reasoning” was going