Reply To: Guns

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“please read up on U.S. v. Haynes (1968) why a national gun registration is unconstitutional.”

I have and I know. Please stop changing the subject.
youve brought up “constituional” several times.
It is an absurd argument
1. The constitution isnt absolute. Even in haynes there was a dissenter (and Marshal abstained) . Maybe today 5 justices would find it constitutional. “Separate but equal” was deemed constitutional until it wasn’t. The constitution isnt absolute
2. We arent discussing whether a registry can feasibly be created. IThe question is whether it is a good idea. If you concede ” yes it might be a good idea, but what can we do the constitution doesn’t allow it” then we can move on to discussing whether it can fit with the constitution . In other words, say we are arguing whether regarding football players kneeling. I’m arguing its disrespectful and creates bad vibes at what shouldn’t be a political event , and youre arguing that it is bringing attention to an important problem. It is silly for you to bring up “oh but the constituion allows it…” Yes it may, but we are discussing the appropriateness of the act. the constitution is a dodge.

3. Please read up on U.S. v. Freed (1971)

“However, as I stated and you correctly pointed out, it is only mandatory at state level, and only some of them do it.”

Exactly! and practically speaking there isnt much difference between states. Often when driving, you may not even know what state you are in . Thus strict gun laws in , say NY are hampered by the fact that a few hours drive will get you to Pennsylvania where you DO NOT need to pass a background check to buy from a private seller (except handguns, for handguns Youd have to drive a bit further to say Ohio).
Abdul can show up at a gunshow say “Hi I’m on the no-fly list but I need to buy 20 unregistered guns preferably with large magazines, but I cant pass a background check, please direct me to the private sellers where I can stock up on the 20 guns I need to protect my home from “masked thugs” ”

Do you really think that wanting to prevent that from legally occuring is a “complacent, brainless, and outright dangerous position ”

Or perhaps is the reverse true ….

“However, backgorund checks IS mandatory on a federal level.”

Nope, see 18 U.S.C § 921(a)(21)(C) only if purchased from a “dealer” this is the so-called “gunshow loophole” Ive been telling you about