Reply To: Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes? Reply To: Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes?


I am quite familiar with pok chazu. And I did just that. The majority of chassidim I have met davening at these 10 am shacharises don’t care about zman krias shma. they usually quote chassidishe toyrah about mekadesh yisroel vehazmanim or lo hifsid or other such distortions of halacha. the official signs are for the machmirim but it’s not the minhag of most chassidim. You can ask them. Rabbi Bender’s book has it for a reason- it’s a davar matzui meod. It’s a pashut metzius. Sorry for ruining your temimus.