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CTLawyer doesn’t know everything, but he has a lifetime of experience in law and business.

In this case, he was a part owner of his brother’s telephone equipment business in the 1990s and early 2000s. They manufactured and sold ‘Royalty Free’ CDs for use as music on hold in telephone systems. This opportunity arose when a business law client came to me with a letter from BMI. BMI paid employees to call businesses all day long and when put on hold documented the music being played. If it was copyrighted music a cease and desist letter and invoice for royalties was sent.

My client had to pay a settled one year’s royalties to BMI and ASCAP of about $1000 and my brother and I launched the new product for his business.

I set up the process for legal clearance of music to be put ion the CDs that were sold for music on hold use and one of my children who was in law school at the time used this as part time work.