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Captain “We only have to do 613 commandments” – speak for yourself, I only have half of them – the 365 lo sa’asey and the handful of mitzva assei she’ain hazman gerama plus a few exceptions like Ad Dlo Yada on Purim.

Besides, you are not being truthful!

Are you a kohen? Because many of the 613 apply only to kohanim bizman habayis, (so even if you are a Kohen, there is no Bayis).

And are you a melech (King from Shevet Yehudah)?

Becasue some only apply to him…

So you REALLY do NOT have 613 commandments!

But you made comment to try to put down a group of yidden – is that not violating a few of those 613 commandments?!

I am no friend of Chabad, but I do love Jews – even you.