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yytz – I did not say that all or most in Chabad go on shlichus, I wrote that there is “the expectation” that they go.

They have that goal and mindset – even though not everyone reaches that goal.

In my world most boys have “the expectation” of becoming a talmid chochom, but alas, few reach that goal. Among the girl, most dream of marrying a future godal and to support his learning all his live – few such dreams are realized.

We all need goals and dreams.

Just like in my world there are Yissochor and Zevulun – the learners and those supporting earners, in Chabad too there are the soldiers on the battlefront and those back home shipping supplies and training new soldiers for the future.

Chabad is not my cup of tea but like great art, I stare at it with admiration..