Reply To: Joining Chabad

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“ It is not so poshut to join Chabad.

Did you go over the 15 page application form?

Then they have requirements that take hours of each day!

The bare MINIMUM is you gotta spend lots of time each day doing what they call “Chitas” – the entire parsha WITH Rashi! A chunk of Tehilim. And almost a chapter in Tanya.

But that’s not all! No youi aren’t done with the MINUMUM requirements yet!

You also gotta do THREE preokim in RAMBAM – daily.

They also expect you to learn many of the weekly sichos and attend regular farbrengens (almost weekly or at least 3 a month!) …

and that is the MINIMUM requirements for…girls.

Boys gotta do so much more!“

You don’t k ow what your taking about everyone does what they’re able to do and girls don’t do 3 perakim they do one Perek and some do Sefer hamitzvos