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yehoshuaahron are you CS in disguise? Most of us have been through all this tripe on the thread that she started months ago and which has lain dormant for a while.

In a nutshell:
1. There is no such thing as Nossi Hador nowadays, and there hasn’t been for thousands of years. Lubavich made up the term so they can apply it to their rebbe and since no one else applies it to their rebbe/gadol (again, because it doesn’t exist) lubavich gets to trump (small T) everyone else because they have the nossi. Well guess what, my rebbe is the Reish Galusa! That beats (I don’t want to use the word trump again) the nossi title – see Sanhedrin 5a – and since lubavich never thought of that one (and neither has anyone else for the same reason that no one has thought of nossi except for you) I win.

2. Find me a source where it says Shimshon was ever a nossi. (If you’re busy I’ll save you time. It doesn’t say it anywhere, except perhaps in lubavich fiction, and even there I haven’t actually seen it written about Shimshon.)

3. The lubavicher rebbe did not have ANY of the criteria for chezkas moshiach as outlined in the Rambam. Saying he does is distorting the words of the Rambam and leads us to wonder whether the person doing so is indeed an apikorus.

4. The Gemoro in Sanhedrin 98b DOES NOT say that the talmidim thought their rebbes were moshiach. Neither Rashi nor the Maharsho say so. Of course, you can interpret that that’s what the talmidim really meant (as a lubavicher you should be able to interpret anything to fit what you want it to mean, as that is what you are good at) but they don’t say that at all.

5. (Here is another example that leads me to think that those who use this “proof” are either card-carrying apikorsim, close to it, absolute amei ha’aretz or stam plain stupid.) The gemoro’s mention of Doniel in connection with moshiach DOES NOT allow for anyone to say that any other person who is not alive may be the moshiach. Rashi gives two explanations. The first is that if moshiach is someone who has already died “IT WAS DONIEL”. The second is that if you are looking for someone who has died “TO COMPARE MOSHIACH TO” it is Doniel. To take that gemoro and say that since the gemoro says that moshiach may be among those who have already died I can say it is Ploni is, as I wrote, either apikorsus or stupidity, just as it would be apikorsus or stupidity to say that since the gemoro says that you have to make kiddush on Friday night I’m allowed to say that you have to make kiddush on Monday night.

To summarise: you and your cohorts spout absolutely baseless garbage and R”L call it Torah even though it has nothing to do with the Torah. There is one person who is largely to blame for this, but he is no longer alive… according to some opinions.