Reply To: Joining Chabad

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LA boy

by hundreds of failed outposts do you mean the places where they help irreligious Jews become religious jews and help the o.t.d. sons and daughters of different litvishe roshei yeshiva and rabbonim become frum again and stop doing drugs or are you referring to something else? (As a lubavitcher with several relatives that work as chaplains in the prison system I know what I’m talking about)
Everyone hates chabad until it’s their own child that runs off to a 3rd world country to marry a goy or shmad and the only frum person within an hour drive is a lubavitcher who can try to convince them out of it then suddenly they love chabad
If you want more info on how many people including children of “gedolim” chabad has helped get off drugs etc. Try speaking to chabad of salt lake city Utah which has one of the biggest drug rehab centers in the country
P.s. on the topic of Moshiach I saw a great line recently I think it was in ami or mishpacha don’t remember exactly which one “you don’t have to be chabad to want Moshiach but you have to want Moshiach to be a Frum yid”