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“[Lakewood has been] ruined sadly with the fanciest restaurants and exquisite clothing stores that don’t belong in a Torah community devoted to Hashem and Torah”

Sammy….you are so right. Any yungerleit shteiging at BMG should not C’V be tempted away from his shtender by a restaurant serving anything other than boiled chicken, starchy kugel and a special Thursday night chulent buffet with grey “mystery meats”, all washed down with the finest Concord Malaga wines. Nor should they have to deal with temptations from clothing stores selling well-fitted suits that don’t look like oversized PJs,, shirts in any color other than White and a stylish Borselino. Yes, Lakewood should look like a feel like a shteitel from the 19th century alte heim.

P.S. as to Cleveland, were you aware that it were just named to the 5 top new “foodie” destinations by the James Beard foundation and that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is only a 7 minute uber ride from Telse.