Reply To: Lakewood’s economy revolves on local construction

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@haimy- now I understand you. I agree about being over reliant.

@zahavasdad- Brooklyn has a much better mass transit system and better growth planning.

The problem, as you stated, is parks. Builders care about the housing profit and they ignore the need for parks. Howell, Jackson, Toms River, and Brick have beautiful parks with multiple playgrounds. But they try hard to keep Lakewood out. Howell banned grilling. Mantoloking bridge/ windward in Brick banned vans carrying over 7 people. I believed it was antisemitism until I saw the way some families behave. When even a few families have children that drop wrappers on the ground or run on the ballfield when a sign says “permit only”, everyone becomes a target. I’ve heard people say “we pay taxes to have these parks, go ruin your own town”.

But there is no one making money leaving space for parks when you can get thousands more putting a house in that space. Our kids suffer.