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🍫Syag Lchochma

Yabia – why would anyone need to explain that? What shaichus?

Chossid- i agree with you that chabad does not say to daven to the rebbe, and he is wrong about dabening at the ohel being just that. It is wrong, however, to say ” with the rebbes help” in place of “bezras Hashem” (and other similar switcharoos) and that IS said and is definitely very much attributing Hashems kochoc to a person.
I also would like ti clarify a point that i dont think you will accept but i have been saying it over and over….
You keep telling him to stop saying l”h. Why are you not understanding that if *his* own rabbeim tell him that chabad practices a”z, then reagrdless of what YOUR opinion is, he is *obligated* to speak badly about it to deter others from buying into it. You should not be having trouble understanding that.